The Shipleys of Maryland
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How time flies, especially in the latter portion of our lives! We have all experienced births, marriages or deaths among our family members, immediate or extended, . It is so important that these become part of the Shipley family records, but we need YOU. Attached is a family group sheet, commonly used for genealogy purposes, that we have customized for our specific needs. It will provide a means for you to add your family's updated information. Don't forget to distribute copies to any cousins who are not members of The Shipleys of Maryland. We need their family information too if we are going to keep our organization and our Shipley lineage going.
Uploaded: 2 August 2022
Henry numbers were first introduced in the 1968 The Shipleys of Maryland book as a means of uniquely identifying each descendent of Adam Shipley. The system is very powerful, but can be confusing. This article by Eric Shipley provides a detailed description of how Henry Numbers are assigned and used.
Uploaded: 27 July 2022
The Shipleys of Maryland genealogical database is available on-line for use by our members. The on-line database contains all individuals listed in our 2002 Book and 2010 Supplement. This database was created by John M. Shipley, Sr. (our book editor), and currently contains 42,535 individuals, 15,572 families, 7,025 unique surnames, 4,960 places, 2,499 notes, and 1,038 sources. The on-line database and our books provide complimentary information- the database provides an easy-to-use tool for researching ancestors and relationships, while the books supply more extensive narrative and pictorial information. The on-line database is for use by Shipleys of Maryland members only, and requires a user name and password. To obtain access, you must first register for a user account at the website, and set up your user name and password. Once we review your registration information, we will send a confirmation e-mail to indicate that your account is now active. If you have any questions or issues regarding the registration process or using the site, you can contact us via a link which is provided on the home page. The on-line database can be accessed via the "Links" section of the website.
Uploaded: 27 July 2022
Janine Wilson describes how while researching the Shipleys of ADAM’S GARDEN, she came across some information which may shed some light on the names of the wives of the first three generations of Shipleys of ADAM’S GARDEN. (12 pages)
Uploaded: 27 July 2022
Basil Shipley was born in Maryland around 1761, moved to Ohio by 1820, and died there after 1840. Basil is the possible son of Greenberry Shipley (b. 1734 MD.) He is the possible father of 1. Samuel Shipley (b. 1789 MD., d. 1865 IN.) 2. Greenberry Shipley (b. 1792 MD., d. aft. 1867 OH.) 3. Upton Shipley (b. 1800 MD, d 1887 IA) 4. Matilda Shipley (b. ca 1805 MD, d. aft 1870 OH) 5. Bazaleel Shipley (b. ca 1810 MD., d. aft 1860 OH). This document contains all the information which Janine could find about Basil Shipley and his children. (12 pages)
Uploaded: 5 October 2023
When Janine first became interested in researching her ancestry, she found a lot of interesting facts about the Shipleys that she wanted to share. Her paternal grandmother was Leah May (Shipley) Perry .1411613. Janine found information about the history of the Shipleys at various websites which she includes to try to bring them together in one place. There is information about each generation of her line, including information about Adam Shipley .1 and his origins in Yorkshire. In addition to information about Peter Shipley .14 and his son Adam .141, and the land they patented in the Eldersburg area, Janine describes the involvement of Shipleys in the history of slavery and of the Methodist church.
Uploaded: 2 October 2022
The family name of Lois (c. 1655-1725) who married Adam Shipley (1648-1698), has not been conclusively determined by direct evidence. Janine Wilson analyzes available information for clues to her identity, and explores the evidence supporting various options. Her analysis leads her to conclude that Lois may have been the daughter of Peter Porter. (3 pages)
Uploaded: 15 September 2022
Janine is a descendant of Peter Shipley, the youngest son of Adam Shipley, who arrived near Annapolis in 1668. The Shipleys of Maryland books indicate that little is known about Peter Shipley. In this paper, Janine has assembled research information from a variety of sources to provide additional insights into the life of Peter Shipley. (27 pages)
Uploaded: 22 September 2022
Janine Wilson is a double Shipley descendant, due to the marriage of her ancestors Leah Shipley (Henry Number .14116) and Samuel B. Shipley (.YA1), in 1838, one of the early marriages in the newly formed Carroll County in Maryland. It is known that the parents of Samuel B. Shipley (.YA1) were Samuel Shipley (.YA) and Frances Condon; but there is no clear evidence as to the parentage of Samuel Shipley (.YA). Although she doubts it will be possible to know for sure who his parents were; she has evaluated evidence such as census records, wills, and maps, combined with clues from Y-DNA, to narrow down the possibilities and to come up with several plausible theories. (53 pages)
Uploaded: 16 September 2022
Janine explores the broken line of Benjamin Shipley (.XF). She reviews a wide variety of information to evaluate potential connections with established lines as well as other broken lines. (31 pages)
Uploaded: 15 September 2022